The attempt to strengthen your position and emphasize your positive qualities is an illusion and a chase after the reflection around the mirror circle. But how do you prove to yourself you are special and have no need to prove it? There is one more feedback chain by which the cause eliminates the effect. You…
I thought my connection with her is real but it is just an illusion. My bad to always take anything with heart, I don’t say it is cruel, but she seems don’t care at all I don’t beg for pity, I don’t want to beg for anything in life. If she don’t care, probably I…
In ancient Europe, a man found himself in a wonderful place where he could enjoy everything in his afterlife. As soon as he stepped into the piece of music, someone who looked like a waiter came over and asked him “Sir, do you have any needs? Here you can have everything you want: delicious food,…
Some of your members, my students, have asked me this: How can a man keep one-tenth of all he earns in his purse when all the coins he earns are not enough for his necessary expenses? So did Arkad address his student upon the second day Yesterday how many of thee carried lean purse? “All…
Everything seem bleak, the glow of life becoming gray but I know, in this material world when life swing too much in one side, the seed of other side is starting to manifest itself. life try to balance itself Balinesee called it Rwa Bhineda, Suka Duka, the duality of life. so what we must do?…
I have a lot thing todo, I know what I should do, but I can’t just do it, there is kind of resistance in my mind to todo things I need todo it is so hard to break that, that is why I write this blog right now. some people may say it is burn…
I already stop using facebook since probably 5 years ago and stop using instagram about 8 month ago. The reason why i stop using it is to have more time, to stop wasting my time on things that don’t produce good things in my life But I still opening X or formerly called Twitter, I…
I am so sorry, the feeling of showing off, to boast one achievement or wealth is never a good idea, the feeling of superior is short lived We don’t need to show-off to enjoy life, life is hard enough, don’t add any silly problem to life
Tepat setahun yg lalu November 2023 aplikasi pertama saya rilis di AppStore. Alasan saya memulai untuk membuat aplikasi awalnya sebagai portofolio skill sehingga setelah lulus kuliah bisa digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan oleh Perusahaan IT untuk merekrut saya sebagai programmernya Tetapi saya berpikir kenapa harus masuk perusahaan jika saya sendiri bisa membuat aplikasi, toh diperusahaan saya…
“If one really has confidence in oneself, one doesn’t feel the need to boast. It’s because one’s feeling of inferiority is strong that one boasts. One feels the need to flaunt one’s superiority all the more. There’s the fear that if one doesn’t do that, not a single person will accept one “the way I…