In the heat of desperation

Everything seem bleak, the glow of life becoming gray

but I know, in this material world when life swing too much in one side, the seed of other side is starting to manifest itself. life try to balance itself

Balinesee called it Rwa Bhineda, Suka Duka, the duality of life.

so what we must do? To take life not too seriously, not to put much important to it, if we already know that life itself is combination of good and evil, happiness and sadness, the life will always try to balance itself, just like a game, it is enjoyable if we can play with it, sometime we win and sometime we lose, if we always win we will be bored in that game easily and if we always lose, we don’t want to play it.

Our problem is we put too much important to it, ever playing a video game with something at stake? maybe u gamble big money and then the game itself becoming too serious, too important and it throw out the joy out of it

Enjoy the game of life, let thing flow, don’t too demanding, don’t force, if you want something go get it, the good news is that we live in the game that have infinite storyline, we have choices, the choices to choose storyline we want.


