Men Get Power, not Romance

I thought my connection with her is real but it is just an illusion. My bad to always take anything with heart, I don’t say it is cruel, but she seems don’t care at all

I don’t beg for pity, I don’t want to beg for anything in life. If she don’t care, probably I have to be like that too, I rarely hate people unless they took personal problem with me, but I know your un-caring-ness has nothing to do with me personally it is just how desire work. So I don’t hate you personally for that.

I see a lot of men, who beg for love from women, always end up self-destruct. And on the contrary I see a men who give no fuck for women is the one who are winning

This world is not a good place for sensitive men, this is not our place, or maybe we just put the sensitivity in wrong place and suffer the consequences. in this world power is the real currency.

Forget the idea of romance, Power is the real romance you need to strive and spread you DNA


