The boredom in life

I have a lot thing todo, I know what I should do, but I can’t just do it, there is kind of resistance in my mind to todo things I need todo

it is so hard to break that, that is why I write this blog right now.

some people may say it is burn out, but I don’t believe in that kind of thing, if u like what you do, it is not burn out right?

idk maybe I really feel burn out right now but it is probably not true, I don’t feel I work so hard, what I do just wasting time so much, to say I am burn out right now is silly notion

so what? why the fuck I don’t really want to do my job right now. even if I know I will feels better latter after I done it

It is always fall to short time thinking, to feel good now and forget latter. eat that high calorie carbs, eat that chocolate, but feel worse later because my clothes becoming more tighter and I am looking bad.

open that social media, it feels good at the moment and then follow by numb feeling later

sometime I just thinking and wandering why we (not all but mostly) as a human always fall to short term gratification and it is so hard to postpone it to later, to receive more of good thing or at least not end up bad. If we can delay gratification the world probably will be a lot more a better place than we are now

The ability to delay, to wait, to control ourselves is important thing in life, we must not live like a beast that is control by its instincts, we can’t really rely on that now because we live in very different world than an animal, we also posses what animal don’t have, a working rational consciousnesses

rational consciousnesses, the ability to choose, the ability to think and in some sense we could call it the ability to determine our fate

God give us power, the power to choose, to do, to act as we wish. but we also have to bear responsibility of what we do base on our choices.

so because we have power and we also have responsibility, we must control our impulse, our animal impulse, it is still in us, it is not yet evolve to adapt to our modern world, it still stuck in pre historic time. so it is our reasoning brain responsibility to control it, to manage it so it can be beneficial to our life

I think most religion main point is also about controlling this animal impulse, to control it so it does not wreck our life


